I'm Stuck on a Remote Island With the Male Leads - Chapter 149
Descending to the first floor, I stepped out through the window at the back of the cabin that Yuanna and I had entered.
-drop, drop.
Then the rain began to fall, one or two drops at a time. The front of the cabin should have been abuzz with battle, but I heard no noise.
It’s ominous.
Soon a trickle of rain drenched the ground.
-cough. I heard Ruzef coughing through the rain. I ran straight to him.
“Archbishop, are you all right?”
As I helped him to his feet, I continued to scan the surroundings. The dark cloudy sky was gloomy, and the cabin in front of us was dreary and dismal. It was like the calm before a ticking time bomb exploded.
I swallowed dryly, feeling eerie. My hands were shaking with nervousness, gripped by tension.
Ruzef coughed a few more times, wiped his rain-soaked face, and looked up. His gray eyes widened slightly at the sight of me.
The moment I locked eyes with him, I felt a strange sensation. It was him, but it didn’t feel like him. I also felt that something had changed a bit.
Except for the sound of the falling rain, there was only silence.
There was still no sound of Jenas and Enoch’s battle outside the cabin. What had happened? I hope they’re not in trouble. My mouth went dry with anxiety.
I barely lifted Ruzef from his seat and looked around for a place to hide. I had to move away and hide.
I don’t know what’s going on, but if I stay like this and Jenas catches me……
“Ah, there you are, huh?”
A familiar voice called out from behind me.
My heart dropped to the ground with a thud. My mind went blank, and I was frozen in place, as if I had shackles on my feet, unable to move.
Without turning, I knew who he was.
It was Jenas.
Were they all defeated by him?
‘No way. Enoch and Kayden were defeated?’
I couldn’t believe it.
I have to hold out until Yuanna gets Anata out of there. Can I do it alone? Against Jenas?
Despair washed over me at the bleakness of the situation.
As I struggled to swallow the flood of frustration and convince myself that I was okay, Jenas called out to me again.
“Meg, what are you doing?”
Barely able to compose myself, I turned to look at Ruzef, who was leaning over me with a blank expression on his face.
I can’t be like this. I can’t break down here. Determined, I slowly turned around.
The first thing that caught my eye was the brilliant silver hair, followed by a handsome face and creepy red eyes.
With the face of an innocent boy, Jenas tilted his head. Then he pointed at his own body and said, “Don’t worry, Meg. I told you, I’m subject to the same limitations as you on this island.”
I frowned. That wasn’t what I wanted to know.
“What about the others……”
“Ah, I used some fog, because you’re the one I need to do my business with.”
As he spoke, the fog that had spread from the front yard of the cabin stretched toward us. The fog around the cabin must have been a distraction spell.
However, it was only for a short time. The fog that had been spreading so widely stopped and began to fade into a blur. The fog was slowly lifting.
I suddenly remembered the barrier Kayden had set up around the cabin.
“Hmm. He cast a magic spell. He really is my descendant.”
Jenas looked intrigued as he saw that the fog was clearing.
But it was short-lived, and he soon turned his attention to Ruzef, whom I was supporting.
“The priest should be reacting by now. It’s raining, which is good.”
What reaction?
I raised my eyebrows in confusion, then, seeing that he was moving toward us, I pulled out my flare gun and aimed it at him. Jenas raised both hands.
Eunji on my shoulder bared his teeth sharply, wary of Jenas.
Then, Eunji breathed fire at Jenas, but thanks to Anata’s magic surrounding the cabin, Jenas was unharmed.
Damn. All I have to do is hold out until Yuanna can get Anata out of the cabin, but can I?
“Meg, don’t you think it’s a bit much to threaten me with the weapon I gave you?”
“Shut up.”
“You won’t be able to kill me until you find a way to get off this island anyway,” said Jenas, smirking.
That damn son of a bxtch!
But I had a bigger problem on my hands.
There was a faint glow emanating from Ruzef’s body.
Ruzef frowned in pain.
“Archbishop, are you okay?”
As I examined Ruzef’s complexion with a worried face, Jenas approached.
“Meg, does the Archbishop look all right to you? It must be because of that thing, the mother of monsters.”
He pointed at Ruzef with a smirk. I raised my flare gun again, signaling him to stay away. He raised his hands again and straightened his posture.
“The priest should be reacting by now. It’s raining, which is good.”
I remembered what Jenas had said earlier.
I couldn’t shake this unsettling feeling. Where did he know, and what is he planning?
“Crap. I can feel the mana of the sealed spirits breaking away……” Ruzef clutched the front of his chest.
The mana of the sealed spirits breaking away? The mother of monsters? In this situation? What will happen if the seal is broken here?
Yuanna said the island’s systems might collapse. Or maybe the monsters could evolve again.
Unless you’ve picked the worst of all possible worlds and deliberately set me up for an experiment, you can’t be doing this to me!
‘……this is not the time for this. Wake up!’
I had to hurry and take Ruzef somewhere else to avoid Jenas.
Once I had him safely hidden in the bushes, I lured Jenas away. The forest was just around the corner. I just needed to get him there. That’s it.
Suddenly, Ruzef coughed up blood. He then emitted a brighter light than before.
Shit. What the hell is going on?
The ground began to vibrate beneath Ruzef’s feet. The ground cracked even though it was wet from the rain.
“Archbishop, I think we should take cover, can you run?”
I whispered in a voice so low that only Ruzef could hear me. Ruzef looked at me with a pained face, then nodded.
Enoch’s group will be here when the fog lifts, so we just have to wait a little longer.
Jenas was still relaxed. As if he knew what we were doing and that whatever we did wouldn’t touch him.
He looked at me as if I were a mouse in a trap.
Looking at his face, my resolve and hope of escape crumbled in an eerie and devastating way.
‘No. I can’t fail. I can’t.’
I struggled to compose myself and support Ruzef. I grabbed a firebomb from my crossbody bag, pulled out a pin with my teeth, and hurled it at Jenas.
Because I was supporting Ruzef, I couldn’t go far, and after the firebombing, I rolled on the ground with Ruzef.
Shit. I covered my ears and quickly regained my composure.
Struggling to my feet, I supported Ruzef and started moving again. But we didn’t make it very far, as Ruzef collapsed to the ground, coughing up blood rapidly.
He seemed to have regained consciousness a little. Still coughing up blood, he spoke to me with difficulty in a trembling voice.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, young lady. I’ve become a burden to you again……”
“No, no, please don’t say that.”
Just a little further, really, just a little further. I supported Ruzef and tried to get up again.
I would have done so if it weren’t for the intense light emanating from his body.
A light so bright it was hard to open my eyes, it engulfed my entire vision. The light grew brighter, and then suddenly, like a TV monitor that has been turned off, it faded away.
At the same time, I felt some of the mana that had been tied up inside me stirring and roaming around inside me.
When I opened my eyes again, Ruzef was lying on the ground.
His breathing was faint. I frantically shook him, but he didn’t wake up.
“Archbishop, please wake up, please……”
My mind went blank with helplessness. This isn’t going to kill him, is it? It won’t. It can’t be.
This is still going according to plan. Jenas hasn’t been paying attention to the cabin.
My hands were shaking. I need to find a place to get away from him and move quickly. Come on… come on……
I helped the unconscious Ruzef up. But the difference in our body sizes made it impossible for me to walk further and I fell over and over again.
Then I heard a low sigh from behind me.
“Hah, finally, the mana seal is broken.”
I turned my head to see Jenas in full adult form in the distance.
Silver hair shimmering at the nape of his neck, eerie red eyes, modern clothes that fit his height, and a fancy wizard robe.
Rubbing the back of his neck in a very languid motion, the man looked at me, a lazy smile playing across his lips.
“It’s been a long time, Margaret.”
‘Fuxk. What the hell is going on?’
Of course, I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to ask.
Jenas stretched out his hand towards me and drew a magic circle, so I quickly aimed the flare gun at him and pulled the trigger.
The flame that flew towards Jenas was immediately sucked into the magic circle he had created. Fuxk!
Eunji on my shoulder also spouted flames at Jenas, but to no avail.
“I am sad. I didn’t expect you to really shoot me.”
“You think I’m an idiot for letting a maniac try to kill me?”
“Well, you’re not wrong,” he muttered, propping up his chin.
I knew it wouldn’t work, but I still pointed the flare gun at him and warned him.
“Stop this insanity right now, and tell me how we can get off this island.”
“That’s hard, there’s no way to do that.”
“You’re lying……”
“Ah, my descendant might know how.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? Kayden?”
Suddenly, like a ghost, I heard Kayden calling me.
The fog lifted and I saw Enoch and Kayden running toward me in the distance, followed by Yuanna and Anata coming out of the cabin.
Everyone is safe. Thank God.
Jenas clicked his tongue at the sight. He must have seen Anata, but surprisingly he didn’t seem to care at all.
Jenas abruptly swept me into a hug and jumped away.