I'm Stuck on a Remote Island With the Male Leads - Chapter 212
Great power comes at a great price, and so Kayden gave up his human body.
To him, his body was no more than a meaningless shell. As the only one in this world with mana, he became mana itself.
Unlike Jenas, who had to destroy a dimension in order to control it, Kayden, with his full power, had no trouble finding a rift in the dimension.
He searched and searched for Margaret and Enoch’s presence in the dimension beyond.
And finally, he found Margaret and Enoch, their presence fading in the rift.
Kayden slowly knelt down on one knee in front of them. Enoch lay still, sleeping with Margaret and Eunji in his arms. Fading into indistinct shapes.
He reached out toward them. Light streamed from his palm, cascading over them as they faded away.
He could feel the pain, as if his soul was burning. Perhaps he has touched a power that reaches into the God’s realm.
Still, he endures.
How many hardships have I endured to reach this point, to cross the dimension in search of Margaret and Enoch?
I can’t just give up and be eaten up by the overwhelming force.
When he finally exhausted all his strength, Enoch opened his eyes first. His soul, which had been fading, was thickening again.
His brow furrowed, he groaned briefly and lifted his head. His gaze locked with Kayden’s, and he glanced around, assessing the situation.
“……I had a thought that maybe you’d find a way.”
“What if I don’t?”
In response to Kayden’s rather poor answer, Enoch pushed himself up, still holding Margaret, and replied nonchalantly, “I said I had a thought, I didn’t say I expected it.”
“Hey, what?”
“I intended to die with Margaret like this.”
Kayden laughed dryly.
“Is Margaret okay?”
“I don’t know exactly why, but our existence was being erased, probably because we weren’t meant to be here. If it had been any later, I would have been wiped out, and so would Margaret, in this dimensional rift.”
Enoch stared at Kayden, his eyes serene. Then he spoke in gratitude.
“Thank you for coming.”
Kayden scratched the back of his head and smiled. Then he looked down at Margaret’s face, which seemed to be still asleep.
“No matter how much you like Margaret, how could you throw away your life? Can I curse at you?”
Enoch didn’t answer. Kayden spat out a curse without waiting for an answer.
Enoch, unfazed, turned to him.
“And you gave up being human for Margaret.”
Enoch read the strange, overwhelming aura of mana emanating from Kayden and guessed a little at what had become of him.
“Let’s just say I didn’t give up, I evolved, just like Eunji.”
Kayden glanced at Margaret and Eunji in Enoch’s arms and sighed.
“They’re all waiting.”
Enoch nodded grimly. “Everyone must be having a hard time with Margaret’s absence.”
“Only Margaret?”
Kayden’s question made Enoch stare at him for a moment, uncomprehending.
“Ddakkari, Saintess, Sir Diego, and most especially your ‘best friend,’ His Highness Arthdal, are all waiting for you ‘anxiously’,” Kayden replied, then took a deep breath before continuing.
“There are also those who follow you fiercely, the knights of the Langridge Empire.”
Kayden paused, a hesitant look on his face, then furrowed his brow in annoyance.
“……And then there’s me, though I’ve always hated you. Humanly speaking, I admit it.”
Regardless of what he admitted, Kayden hurriedly continued, “So, let’s go home.”
At the Floné Castle.
I woke up in my bed in my room.
When I turned around, I saw Yuanna hugging me and crying.
What the hell is going on here?
Was it all a dream? Was the trip across the dimension and meeting Enoch actually a dream? At this point, I can’t tell what’s real and what’s not.
While I was trying to calm down the sobbing Yuanna, I noticed Eunji, who was asleep with his head resting on the bed.
Eunji jumped up, his eyes locking with mine.
“Unnie! Unnie!”
“Eunji? Eunji, did you do this? Is this a dream?”
“Huh? It’s not a dream!”
“We’re back home? Did you do this?”
“Umm, that…….”
It was Yuanna who answered on Eunji’s behalf.
“Lord Kayden has brought you and His Highness back. He crossed the dimension.”
I asked in confusion, but quickly regained my composure and unleashed a baptism of questions, all of which I wanted to ask about this unbelievable situation.
“How? The mana is all gone. What about the dimensional rift? If Eunji and I are here, won’t the rift close? And crossing the dimension was something even Jenas couldn’t do…….”
Wiping away her tears, Yuanna calmed my panic and continued her explanation.
“I definitely closed the rift, and crossing the dimension is something only Lord Kayden can do, because he has awakened.”
“When I saw it……. He seemed to have left the realm of the human.”
“And what happened to Kayden?”
“He disappeared shortly after he brought you back, so I don’t know where he is.”
What do you mean, you don’t know his whereabouts? My mind went blank with worry about Kayden.
Then Yuanna spoke to me, a thoughtful look on her face.
“I think I heard something about hibernation before he disappeared…….”
“I don’t know exactly, but he brought back souls that had been erased from this world, and with mana. Just don’t tell anyone about the mana, it’ll make a lot of noise.”
At Yuanna’s words, I suddenly realized that my body was still filled with mana. It was the reason Eunji was still in human form.
“Still, the dimension is intact. This is Lord Kayden’s power. Perhaps, he’s been forced to go into hibernation because he touched the divine realm. You’ll have to ask him directly for details, but I don’t know his whereabouts…….”
“And what about Enoch? He was with me, where is he…….”
-knock, knock.
“Saintess, how is Margaret?”
Just then the door opened and Rosemary stuck her face in. I made eye contact with her pale, haggard face and her eyes widened in surprise.
“……Margaret?!! Margaret, oh my God, Margaret!”
Rosemary ran into the room, calling out to me like a scream.
I hugged her as she sobbed. Yuanna laughed and gave Rosemary some space.
Someone must have heard Rosemary’s frantic cries, because a head popped through the open door. It was Vanessa.
Vanessa was a wind of tears, clinging to my bed and sobbing. I looked around the room in a sea of tears.
I heard something fall from the doorway and looked over, puzzled, to see Innis and my mother, and father, bringing a tray of stew.
“No, I wanted to bring it to her myself…….”
“Ooh, my filly……!”
The three of them ran straight to me and hugged me. I burst into tears in the arms of my two sisters, my mother, and my father.
After I calmed down a bit, Yuanna filled me in on what had happened.
Shortly after my disappearance, Enoch sacrificed his life to follow me, and the awakened Kayden immediately crossed the dimension to find us.
He managed to find me and Enoch, brought us back, and then disappeared. I was also told that I slept for four days afterward, unable to regain my strength.
Also, in the world that Yuanna had purified, there was chaos because mana was gone and all the work that had been done with mana and magic was paralyzed.
Enoch, who awoke before me, was working with my father, Duke Floné, and Duke Bilterheim to calm the people.
The public execution was scheduled for four days later. My head ached from all the information and news bombarding me as soon as I woke up.
“So Enoch is okay, then? He was obviously with me across the dimension.”
“He came with you. Unlike you, Meg, he has monstrous resilience…….”
Yuanna scratched her cheek and laughed. I’m glad Enoch is okay. I feel like I can catch my breath after the lump in my throat a moment ago.
The problem is Kayden. When I say I’m going to go find him right away, Yuanna and my family all stop me.
“You’ve just woken up, you can’t go too far, it’ll be too much for your body.”
When I showed signs of protesting, all five women gently pushed me onto the bed.
I wonder if it was because my body hadn’t recovered yet. As soon as I was forced onto the bed, drowsiness washed over me again in waves.
Yuanna patted my shoulder.
Now that I think about it, she had said that something has to be sacrificed in order to use the power of purification. What was her sacrifice?
Unable to overcome my sleepiness in the midst of such worries, I eventually drifted back to sleep.
What if I wake up and find out that this was all a dream?
Luckily, it wasn’t a dream.
When I woke up after a good night’s sleep, after eating with my family, I was informed that Enoch had visited the Floné Castle.
As soon as I heard the news, I rushed to the castle’s entrance. I could hear my family’s worried calls behind me, but my attention was focused on Enoch.
I sprinted down the hallway and down the lobby’s central staircase, and there he was, at the castle’s entrance, handing his coat to the servant.
Enoch, who was twisting his cravat and sighing tiredly, looked at me in surprise.
It’s Enoch. Really Enoch. Enoch’s alive.
I rushed to him in a flash and wrapped my arms around him.