I Thought It Was a Common Transmigration - Chapter 99
“Edith Riegelhoff thinks of House Ludwig as her purse. She said that if she and Sir Killian divorce, she’ll get a huge mansion and a big alimony check, and that she has nothing to complain about.”
“That’s what Miss Edith herself told me at the National Day ball. I’m not the only one who heard it, so you can look into it.”
If you listen to the story without the details, it sounds like Edith has been spreading rumors like that all over the place.
The Duke had been feeling sorry for Edith as of late, but to hear her say such a thing at a time when Count Riegelhoff was causing him so much trouble, he felt a surge of betrayal and clenched his molars.
But he didn’t show his feelings hastily. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that, after all, that’s what it says in the contract I signed myself when they got married.”
Again, the Count spoke up, “How long are you going to put up with this cunning, insolent creature who takes after her father? Count Riegelhoff is no longer with you, and I can provide you with a solid iron ore distribution network. You know what that means, don’t you?”
The marriage was made for iron ore distribution rights and an alliance, and since those two conditions have already lost their meaning, shouldn’t the marriage be broken?
Even so, when the Duke didn’t respond, Leila hesitantly spoke up with a pained expression.
“It’s because of Lizé…… isn’t it? Because I was mean to her in the past……”
The words hit the nail on the head, and the Duke turned his gaze to Leila.
“I was too young and immature then, and I was jealous because she was beautiful…… but I’m not now, and she’s my sister after all.”
Leila pretended to reflect on her past with a sad expression, but the Duke made no response to that either.
He knew that Leila Sinclair was the source of all the malicious rumors about Lizé that had been circulating for some time.
‘But it’s also true that we need an iron ore distribution network, because sooner or later we’ll need to place another large order for weapons like swords and spears……’
Of course, the iron ore of the empire would not be controlled by just two families, but Count Riegelhoff and Count Sinclair have the largest distribution network.
As the Duke thought about it, he was bothered by Killian’s demeanor lately.
‘He seems to be trying to keep Edith by his side, but…… should I tell him to let go of her now?’
As a duke who doesn’t know the details of what goes on in the mansion, he doesn’t know exactly how Killian feels.
But he believes that Killian is not in love with Edith. Compared to the Killian who was in love with Lizé, the Killian of today is more of a bluntness towards Edith.
“Hmm, It’s far too early to talk about this. It’s not as if Count Riegelhoff has completely betrayed me, and it’s not as if I have any control over Killian’s marriage, but I do understand what you’re trying to say.”
Count Sinclair backed down, albeit with some regret.
“Of course, I didn’t mean for you to decide on the matter of Sir Killian’s marriage right now, either. Rather, I was just stopping by to assure you that we have the iron ore distribution rights, so you don’t have to worry too much, Duke.”
“Thank you. Thanks to you, I’ll be able to deal with Archduke Langston’s faction in a more measured manner.”
“Hahaha, I’m glad I could be of help.”
They ended the conversation in a friendly mood.
Upon hearing the news of the arrival of Count Sinclair, Cliff purposely took Lizé out while Killian and I stayed in the parlor with the Duchess.
The Duchess said, “They’ll probably come out here for a little talk before heading back.”
The Duchess also seemed less than pleased with Count Sinclair’s visit.
After all, this was a family that had harassed Lizé, whom she considered a daughter, and was still harassing her with a steady stream of malicious rumors.
Killian was no different. “I don’t know how thick the faces of shameless humans are, I wish I could skin them and see.”
He said it in a hushed tone, and I got goosebumps because I knew he could really do it if he set his mind to it.
‘Come to think of it, killing Edith with a single slash of the sword across her throat is quite merciful in the original story, at least she isn’t tortured.’
Maybe the original Killian feels some kind of compassion for Edith.
……or because he has to quickly kill all the Riegelhoffs and their people.
While I was pondering these zero-productivity thoughts, the Duke entered the parlor with Count Sinclair and his children.
The Duchess, who had been looking displeased until just now, greeted them with a smile as bright and benevolent as ever.
“I hope you haven’t had too much tea,” she said, “because I’ve prepared an abundance of refreshments.”
At the Duchess’ gesture, the waiting maids set the tea and refreshments on the table.
The black tea steams up fragrantly, and the freshly baked scones with heavy cream and strawberry jam look absolutely delicious.
But Leila, seated across from me, seems to be more busy staring at Killian than at the delectable refreshments.
I understand, of course.
Even if it were me, I’d spend the whole time here looking at Killian before going home. I wouldn’t even blink.
The mood at tea time wasn’t bad.
Killian remained expressionless the entire time, but the Duke and Duchess are more socialized people, so they led the conversation with their dignity.
But I felt out of the loop and on the periphery of the conversation.
I don’t know if it was intentional or unavoidable, but the topics of conversation were all about things from the past that I didn’t know about.
I didn’t think it would be helpful to chime in anyway, so I just smiled quietly and sipped my tea, and somehow made eye contact with Leila.
Contrary to my expectation that she would only give me a quick glance, Leila smiled brightly and said, “I am sorry, Miss Edith…… but I need to wash my hands.”
She must have needed to use the restroom.
I could have called a maid to take her, but she seemed to have something to say to me, so I stood up.
“Please come this way.”
“Thank you.”
Leila followed behind me, her expression quite different from when she was at the National Day ball.
As soon as we entered the hallway to the restroom, she stopped in her tracks and burst out laughing.
“You hide your true colors very well when you’re inside the Ludwig mansion, huh?”
Expecting some sort of fight, I replied, “I’ve been thinking since last time, Miss Leila, that you might want to take a look at yourself before saying anything to anyone else.”
“Ha…… what are you talking about?”
“‘I am sorry, Miss Edith, but I need to wash my hands.'” I repeated her words, mimicking Leila’s innocent expression.
Leila’s face quickly turned red. “We’ll see how long you can keep up that haughty demeanor. Oh, and by the way, did you hear that my family got the rights to distribute iron ore from the north?”
“I don’t know, I’m not interested.”
“Well, since you’re not interested in the way the world works, I suppose you are. You do realize that it was the Riegelhoffs’ iron ore distribution rights that allowed you to marry Sir Killian, right?”
She looks so excited, I can’t believe she’s been waiting all this time to show it off to me.
“It’s not until next year that my family gets the iron ore distribution rights, that’s your expiration date for your position.”
“An expiration date you say……?”
Leila raised her brow at my snarky tone.
“You see, Duke Ludwig had no choice but to take you as his daughter-in-law because of the alliance and the iron ore distribution rights, but the alliance is already broken, so what good are the Riegelhoffs’ iron ore distribution rights? And yet my family, an ally of House Ludwig, got the iron ore distribution rights. Do you really have no idea what this means?”
I let out a long sigh.
“What is Killian’s opinion?”
“Pfft, my goodness, Miss Edith. How could you say something like that? You’re the one who forced Sir Killian to marry you against his wishes!”
“So, you’re going to do it this time?”
I felt like I could understand Killian a little bit when he first married me.
How disgusted he must be to have a wife in such a way.
Especially since it meant giving up his love for Lizé……
“The restroom’s over there, you’re not stupid enough to lose your way back to the parlor, are you?”
I pointed nonchalantly toward the end of the hallway.
Apparently not pleased with my condescending attitude, Leila glared at me with the same venomous glare she had during the National Day ball.
“I’m sure Sir Killian would be happy to divorce you.”
“Maybe, but that doesn’t mean he’ll accept marriage to you.”
“That’s something you don’t know.”
“I know, and don’t look down on Killian Ludwig.”
Don’t make fun of the time I spent trying to change his mind!
“Then, you can wash your hands now.”
I waved and walked toward the parlor, not even looking at Leila.
Even without looking back, I could see Leila gritting her teeth.
But turning away from her, I didn’t feel much better.
‘So this is how it goes……’
I sighed.
On the other hand, I also felt a little bit unfair.
‘No matter what, the Sinclairs are Lizé’s main enemies, so is it okay for the story to be twisted like this?’
In the original story, Duke Ludwig mercilessly tramples on the face of Count Sinclair, who belatedly realizes Lizé’s value and claims parental rights without shame.